Brady Hosaflook
West Virginia University
Brady Hosaflook graduated from Bridgeport High School, where he was active in the BHS Marching Band, Jazz Band, and National Honor Society. He was a member of the Boy Scouts of America for seven years and prior to that was a Cub Scout. In Scouting, he earned the rank of Eagle. His Eagle project was to make and provide metal drop boxes for the people of Bridgeport to donate their old worn American flags. He has participated in several other community service projects. Brady is attending West Virginia University to study Forensic Biology. He plans to one day become a Forensic Anthropologist, so he plans to earn a master’s degree and doctorate in anthropology and osteology. He is drawn to the field because Forensic Anthropologists help solve countless missing person cases and provide solace to families. In one word, Brady would describe himself as “compassionate.” He is the son of Jason and Janeal Hosaflook.