Logan McCartney
West Liberty
Logan McCartney is a graduate of Robert C. Byrd High School, where he graduated with a 3.420 GPA and was involved in athletic and academic extracurricular activities. He was a member of the Student Council, the Dream Team, Mountaineer Boys State, and Future Farmers of America. Logan played four years for the Eagles football team, serving as team captain, and receiving All-Harrison County accolades. Although he had other offers, he committed to playing football for West Liberty, where he is majoring in criminal justice. He has been interested in a career in law enforcement since his freshman year of high school and he ultimately plans to pursue a career with the FBI or DEA. He considers himself “determined” and feels he can make a difference in his hometown, state, and nation. Logan has volunteered in his community, coaching Rec-league basketball for kids and field days for his local elementary school. Logan is the son of Amanda McCartney.