Loudeline P. Chapman
Bridgeport High School
Loudeline P. Chapman is the daughter of John Chapman of Lost Creek and a graduate of Bridgeport High School. She majors in criminal justice and minors in French at Fairmont State University where she has been named to the President’s List and Dean’s List. She is multi-lingual in Hatian creole, French and English. Loudeline was born in Fort-Liberte, Haiti and was adopted at age 15, fulfilling a dream to pursue a positive future.
She plans to work as a Federal Special Agent so she will not only help people in her own community, but also throughout the US. Her community service work has included providing translation at a clinic in Fort-Liberte, Haiti, trash pickup through the 4-H Club and fundraising through the club. She serves as a resident assistant at Fairmont State, overseeing responsibilities in the residence hall, including disciplinary processes. She is also vice president of the Alpha Phi Sigma Criminal Justice Honor Society.