Matthew Wolfe Delawder
Moorefield High School '22
Matthew Wolfe Delawder is a senior at Moorefield High School, where he is an honor roll student and member of the varsity wrestling and football teams. He is a five-year president of 4-H and a tour guide at the “World Famous Smoke Hole Caverns.” Delawder was chosen during the summer of 2021 to represent his school and state at the Envision Law and Forensics Forum in Washington, DC., working with students from across the nation to learn about the legal system and crime-solving through forensics. He will attend West Virginia University this fall to study criminology. It has been his dream to protect others and stand up or the people who cannot stand up for themselves. His long-term goals include military service and application to the FBI or another federal agency, possibly doing detective work in his home state of WV.