Nicholas Rose
Clay-Battelle High School '20
Nicholas Rose is a 2020 graduate of Clay-Battelle High School. He is the son of Melissa and John Rose of Fairview.
While attending CBHS, Nicholas was active in the West Virginia Army National Guard, WV State Trooper Junior Trooper Academy, varsity football (captain), varsity basketball (captain), varsity track, Heart Club (president), LEO Club, Interact Club, Recycling Club (Co-President), Student Council, National Honor Society and theater.
He has served as a volunteer for the Rosenbaum House and Bartlett House, helped to organize local flood relief and participated in Heart Walk, Ink Out Walk, blood drives and Pennies for Patients, among other causes.
Describing himself as motivated, Nicholas will attend West Virginia University, majoring in criminology. He aspires to work as a West Virginia State Trooper or the U.S. Marshal Service.